Welcome to Brilliance Academy

Student Application

2025 - 2026

Fields marked with an * are required

1- Student’s Information

Student’s Full Name in English *

Student’s Date of Birth *

2- Father or Guardian’s Information.
– بيانات الأب أو الوصي

3- Mother or Her Representative’s Information.
– بيانات الأم أو من ينوب عنها

4- Siblings’ Information.

هل للطالب أي أشقاء في مدارس بريليانس؟

5- For Direct Contact.

واتساب الاب او من ينوب عنه
واتساب الام او من ينوب عنها
رقم هاتف أحد الأقارب

About Us

Brilliance Academy is the largest group of schools in Alexandria, Egypt. Established in 2002, its mission is to manage educational services and promote the message that schools are responsible not only for educating students but also for instilling good manners. The aim is to nurture a balanced generation, excelling both academically and morally.